Archive for the ‘The Phoenix Forum’ Category
Monday, April 8th, 2013
When it comes to traditions at The Phoenix Forum, there are quite a few. Second only to the snack shacks is naked dodge ball. Even though Steve Lightspeed is no longer with us, the tradition continued thanks to Juicy Ads and Affil4You. This year brought a lot of new talent to the dodge ball court, in both dodge ball skills and in the looks department. Oh yeah, total nudity returned as well, so it made for a very entertaining tournament. Thanks to the sponsors and the girls for a very fun time.
These photos are sponsored by merchant services provider, Mobius Payments. If you are looking for a new processor for your pay site, give Mobius Payments some consideration; I am sure they would love to talk with you. (more…)
Monday, April 8th, 2013
Saturday at the adult industry’s B2B trade show, the 2013 Phoenix Forum, was a very long and busy day which means I got a lot of photos; in fact, too many for one gallery. These photos include the EU Forum, the poolside luncheon, beer pong and the traffic dinner. I will have two additional galleries; one for naked dodge ball and one for the closing party.
This really was a fantastic show, with well over 1,000 attendees and weather that was hot, but not too hot. The business did not stop until you were ready to quit; I had deals happen on the way back to room on the last night and I am sure I am not the only one. These photos are sponsored by merchant accounts provider, Mobius Payments. (more…)
Tags: 2013, adult webmaster convention, B-to-B trade show, beer pong, EU Forum, photos, pics, pictures, Tempe Mission Palms, The Phoenix Forum, Traffic Dinner Posted in The Phoenix Forum | No Comments »
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Saturday, April 6th, 2013
The 14th annual Phoenix Forum continued in full swing Friday, and this place is packed. When I spoke with the people doing the registrations I was told there were over 1,100 people registered at this point. This coincides with what others have suggested; that being that this seems to be the largest Phoenix Forum so far.
The day consisted of seminars and a lot of networking out in the courtyard; including the lunch buffet and the Sponsor Meet Market. Of course, the snack shacks are back and they even opened a couple hours early! I heard no complaints about that. The photos from this show are sponsored by merchant accounts provider, Mobius Payments. (more…)
Tags: 2013, adult webmaster convention, B-to-B trade show, Hooters, Mobius Payments, photos, pics, pictures, Tempe AZ, Tempe Mission Palms, The Phoenix Forum Posted in The Phoenix Forum | No Comments »
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