Posts Tagged ‘2013’
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013
These photos are from the AVN Holiday Party which was held Monday evening, December 2, 2013 at Staples Center in Los Angeles. In a tradition that was started by [AMA Content] Joe Laughlin back in 2010 (if not before) and recently joined by AVN, members from different areas of the adult entertainment industry took over several suites at Staples Center to watch our Los Angeles Kings. Last night, the Kings hosted the St. Louis Blues in a 3-2 victory. While the score looks like it was a close game, St. Louis did not score until the third period; it was nice to be there to see the Kings win.
Before the game, several of us were invited to go out on the ice for photos; then they let us spend some time taking shots on goal. Even though I have never used a hockey stick I managed to score a hat trick (three goals) which happened to be the same number of goals scored by the Kings. I am not entirely sure it was coincidence. It was a pretty awesome experience for all of us, especially for those that had never been to a professional hockey game. There were big smiles all around.
Thanks again the Joe and AVN for a fun evening and barring any strikes, I look forward to joining you again next year. Happy Holidays and Go Kings Go. (more…)
Friday, September 13th, 2013
These photos are from the Video Secrets Poker Tour which was held Thursday evening, September 12 at The Villa in Woodland Hills, CA. The private event featured a Las Vegas style Texas Hold’em tournament with the grand prize being a Luminor Panerai watch valued at over $6,000; not bad for a free entry poker tournament. Attendees included some of the adult industry’s top decision makers and executives in the Los Angeles area.
In addition to the poker there was an open bar, some munchies and entertainment provided by Vegas Crooner, Dan Olivo and a hot burlesque show by the world famous Miss Madeline Sinclaire. It really was a fun event with lots of old friends showing up as well as the locals that always make an appearance.
The Villa is located at 22160 Ventura Boulevard in Woodland Hills, CA. (more…)
Tags: 2013, adult webmaster event, Dan Olivo, Madeline Sinclaire, photos, pics, pictures, poker, The Villa, Video Secrets, Woodland Hills Posted in Local Events | No Comments »
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Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
It is that time of year again and adult industry webmasters from around the globe will be gathering at three of the best and most popular adult webmaster events on the right side of the Atlantic; Webmaster Access in Amsterdam, XBIZ EU in London and The European Summit in Budapest. PimpsPromo is anticipating returning to Europe this year and has set up pricing to make sponsorship of the show photos affordable for any budget.
 Webmaster Access returns to Amsterdam Webmaster Access Amsterdam
Webmaster Access Amsterdam is scheduled for September 20-23 and will be held at a new venue, the Doubletree Hotel. The event is free for affiliates, so don’t let that hold you back. This is a great show every year. I am making three sponsorship packages available; 100% of the photos for $3,750, 50% of the photos will be branded with your company logo for $2,000 or at 33% of the photos for $1,500.
XBIZ EU 2013, London (more…)
Tags: 2013, ad rates, adult webmaster event, Amsterdam, B-to-B trade show, Budapest, London, Prague, The European Summit, Webmaster Access, XBIZ EU Posted in Articles | No Comments »
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