Posts Tagged ‘adult webmaster event’

Photos from the XBIZ Summit Farewell Party

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

While many XBIZ Summit 2011 attendees were heading back home, there were a couple dozen that remained. Since Chicago is well-known for their pizza, it was only fitting that the farewell party was held at Gino’s East. Gino’s East is a pizza chain known for their deep dish pizza. While I am not a huge pizza fan, I have to admit, this was some good stuff. There was a lot of pizzas left, so they let us take about eight of them back to Indiana where we donated them to a woman’s shelter in town.

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Back to Gino’s East Photos

Pics from the Mr Skin Soiree at XBIZ Summit 2011

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

Saturday evening ended at the 8th Annual Mr Skin Summer Soiree. This is an event I have heard of for years but never had the opportunity to attend. I can now cross that off my bucket list. Sponsored by Mr. Skin, Netbilling and DataCamCash it was a good time with lots of smiling faces.

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Back to Mr Skin Soiree Photos

Photos from the John Hancock XBIZ Summit Tour

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

These photos are from the John Hancock Observatory. CCBill sponsored this XBIZ Summit 2011 event. Luckily, the Chicago weather started clearing up towards the end of the day, so while it may have been a little chilly, the view was spectacular.

After we finished at the observatory, goodgirl and I headed over to Ditka’s for dinner. Da Pork Chops are killer. I highly recommend them.

Back to Hancock Observatory Photos

Back to Hancock Observatory Photos