Posts Tagged ‘anti-piracy solution’

DMCA Force offers free content protection

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

At the beginning of June Pink Visual announced the launch of, a full service anti-piracy solution for content producers that are tired of seeing their pirated content ending up on tube and torrent sites. Always at the forefront of fighting content piracy, probably due to the amount of their own content being pirated, Pink Visual went to court against many of the larger tube sites and won. As Pink Visual President, Allison Vivas explained, “Litigation occurred between PinkVisual and various tubes. As a portion of the settlement agreements, the tubes agreed to use digital fingerprint filtering as a way to help prevent infringement on user generated content. They had the right to decide which program (truncate or remove). Despite the fact that this was litigation only between PinkVisual and another party, all of those tubes agreed to apply the filtering on any fingerprints in the database, which means all other content owners. Content owners can decide to go beyond the 3 minutes.”

To help make this easy for everyone to participate, DMCA Force is offering to digitally fingerprint your video content for free. The fingerprint technology is Vobile Inc’s technology and DMCA Force simply came up with a way to make it easy for content producers to implement it since there is some difficulty in creating the digital fingerprint. DMCA Force uses the Vobile API to get the digital fingerprint implemented. Once it is in place tubes and torrents must either remove your content or truncate it to no more than three minutes. Truncating can cost thousands every month, so this sounds like a pretty logical solution to me; but I am not a content producer. (more…)