Posts Tagged ‘B-to-B trade show’

Arriving in Prague for the European Summit

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

These photos are from the flight to Prague for the European Summit; and our arrival at the Hotel Praha and the Silenzio Hotel, where several attendees stayed. The flight to Prague from Amsterdam was loaded with show attendees. It would have been a huge loss to the adult industry if that plane went down. After checking in to the Silenzio a few of us went off in search of food. The first stop was the show venue, Hotel Praha. There were several people in the lounge and the crowd grew by the minute. You could tell this was going to be a good show.

Photos from day two of Webmaster Access 2011

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

These photos are from day two of the adult webmaster B2B conference, Webmaster Access 2011. Since the GFY Awards were held the prior evening, and lasted well into the evening, it was a good thing most of the days events did not begin until afternoon. The day consisted of speed networking, three seminars and the farewell reception.

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Back to WA2011 – Day Two Pics

Photos from Day One of Webmaster Access 2011

Saturday, September 17th, 2011

These photos are from Saturday at the B-to-B webmaster event, Webmaster Access 2011. It is being held at the Park Hotel in Amsterdam. I have to say, this show does not appear to be showing any signs of decline. If anything, it may be growing.

Today consisted of seminars, speed networking, a meet market and a .XXX discussion featuring Tom Hymes and Greg Dumas. Tonight, the GFY People’s Choice Awards.

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Back to Webmaster Access Photos