The Phoenix Forum Returns March 22-25
Pimps Promo is proud to announce that they will be returning to the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, in Tempe, Arizona for the 2018 Phoenix Forum. The online entertainment trade conference will be held March 22 through the 25, with pre-show events, The Phoenix Forum 14th Annual Charity Golf Tournament and the Ynot Grand Prix, being held on March 21.
The Phoenix Forum (TPF) is one of the longest running adult webmaster trade shows, with it beginning in 2001; Pimps Promo has been attending The Phoenix Forum since 2004. The Phoenix Forum has been held exclusively at the Tempe Mission Palms since 2005.
This year, Pimps Promo is happy to announce that their sponsor for the 2018 Phoenix Forum is Vacares web hosting. While Vacares is relatively new, it is owned by industry veteran “Sly”. Those familiar with Sly know he has a decade of web hosting experience, so if considering a new web host, contact Vacares to see what kind of deal they can do for you.
If you have not signed up for TPF as of yet, do not hesitate and visit The Phoenix Forum website today. This year, affiliates and talent can attend for FREE; visit for more details.
You can keep up with special announcements for TPF at the Facebook Official Phoenix Forum Group or The Phoenix Forum Facebook page. I look forward to seeing you there.